This circuit is design for the oscillator with the lamp stabilizer. The frequency range switching is done with a 4 position, 2 pole rotary switch, and the capacitors should be wired directly to the switch to minimize stray capacitance. This is the figure of the circuit.

The circuit is a low power version of a simple power amplifier, and will provide the necessary 3.16V RMS easily using a +/-12V supply. Peak amplitude is about +/- 4.5V, and a simple emitter follower buffer is used to drive the output voltage divider (see below for level control, buffer and output attenuator). Current in the output stage and buffer is quite high at 8mA, and a small heat sink is a good idea for the output devices (those with the 33 Ohm emitter resistors). They will be dissipating about 100mW each under normal operating conditions with a +/- 12V supply. Likewise, heat sinks should be used on the power supply regulators (these are normally not needed when powering a few conventional op amps). The diodes shown are 1N4001 or similar. Resistors are all 1/4 Watt 1% tolerance metal film, and a cermet multi-turn pot is recommended for the 500 Ohm variable resistor.

The circuit is a low power version of a simple power amplifier, and will provide the necessary 3.16V RMS easily using a +/-12V supply. Peak amplitude is about +/- 4.5V, and a simple emitter follower buffer is used to drive the output voltage divider (see below for level control, buffer and output attenuator). Current in the output stage and buffer is quite high at 8mA, and a small heat sink is a good idea for the output devices (those with the 33 Ohm emitter resistors). They will be dissipating about 100mW each under normal operating conditions with a +/- 12V supply. Likewise, heat sinks should be used on the power supply regulators (these are normally not needed when powering a few conventional op amps). The diodes shown are 1N4001 or similar. Resistors are all 1/4 Watt 1% tolerance metal film, and a cermet multi-turn pot is recommended for the 500 Ohm variable resistor.
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