This is circuit for modulator circuit. This circuit is using two signal generators to simulate an Amplitude Modulated RF carrier wave. The output can be used to simulate the response of LC and tank circuits. Here’s the schematic circuit diagram of the AM modulator.

Two signal generators are used in this circuit, one representing a high frequency (200kHz) RF carrier, VG2, the other signal generator is used to inject a 1KHz audio signal. The two signals are mixed and amplified by the transistor and an amplitude modulated signal appears at the collector of the BC548. The DC component is removed by C2 and R3 and the RF output now appears across the load resistor R3. Note to speed up simulation, the RF carrier has been limited to 200KHz only, and the output waveform just shows two complete cycles of the audio wave, i.e. 2ms as the modulating frequency is 1k.

Two signal generators are used in this circuit, one representing a high frequency (200kHz) RF carrier, VG2, the other signal generator is used to inject a 1KHz audio signal. The two signals are mixed and amplified by the transistor and an amplitude modulated signal appears at the collector of the BC548. The DC component is removed by C2 and R3 and the RF output now appears across the load resistor R3. Note to speed up simulation, the RF carrier has been limited to 200KHz only, and the output waveform just shows two complete cycles of the audio wave, i.e. 2ms as the modulating frequency is 1k.
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