This is a simple circuit design for capacitive load driver. This circuit is built by LF155. LF155 is an op amps that is feature low input bias and offset currents/low offset voltage and offset voltage drift, coupled with offset adjust which does not degrade drift or common-mode rejection. This is the figure of the circuit.
For make this circuit, we need resistor 5K if we used this op amps. This is due to a unique output stage design, these amplifiers have the ability to drive large capacitive loads and still maintain stability. CL(MAX) 0.01μF. This circuit has overshoot ≤ 20%
For make this circuit, we need resistor 5K if we used this op amps. This is due to a unique output stage design, these amplifiers have the ability to drive large capacitive loads and still maintain stability. CL(MAX) 0.01μF. This circuit has overshoot ≤ 20%
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